Scary movies scarred me from installing a gas boiler

Scary movies scarred me from installing a gas boiler

Periodically, I love to watch frightening movies; However I do not entirely like it when it feels like the frightening movie is just your whole life. There are some frightening things that happen in my life. Things that in fact I could only imagine in the movies. I would never want to imagine them happening

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Left windows open & rain came in

Left windows open & rain came in

I’ve been extremely busy lately, & a large portion of it is due to financial problems… My partner & I recently moved to a brand new state, & our residing expenses have increased dramatically! She is working at three strange institutions, however all of them have been hard to secure paychecks from! Because she keeps

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Wish I paid more attention to the HVAC system at new rental

Wish I paid more attention to the HVAC system at new rental

Unfortunately, it turns out that our central AC system is at least 15 years old in this rental Living in a major city, it can be extremely difficult to find adequate housing that you can afford. The rental rates in this city are nothing to sneeze at. If you are living alone, you don’t have

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