When my great friend and I first moved into our house, my great friend and I knew that the packaged heating plus cooling component would need to be replaced within a few years.
The system was apparently quite old.
In our local area, air conditioning system is the priority. The outdoor temperature frequently climbs into the high nineties plus triple digits. The humidity levels are extreme. While the winters are brief plus mild, conditions in the mid to low forties required heating. My associate and I were blessed that the heating/cooling component operated reliably for nearly five years. However, it struggled to handle the demands while in winter. It often iced over plus my great friend and I ended up buying more than 2 electric baseboard heaters to help out. While the system gave satisfactory cooling, the operation was especially loud. A few years ago, while in the middle of summer, I noticed that the condo abruptly felt hot plus sticky. I realized that warm air was flowing from the vents. I checked that the thermostat was set to cooling plus also changed the batteries. I then hired a local Heating plus A/C company for repair. I fully expected the Heating plus A/C professional to request the system be replaced. An inspection of the component revealed a small refrigerant leak. The professional said there was no way to know if the leak was seasoned or new. He suggested refilling plus recharging the refrigerant plus hoping for the best. The cost of the repair was two hundred dollars. The heating/cooling worked just nice for one year. The following summer, my great friend and I had the exact same problem. This time, I was unwilling to invest more currency into prolonging the life of an old piece of equipment. The up-to-date system actually handles year round demands, operates more quietly plus has significantly reduced our bi-weekly utility bills.