Zone controlled heating has saved our marriage

There’s a lot of things that people do not tell you when you’re getting into a long-term partnership.

Everyone paints this picture of marital bliss, where are you complete each other as whole individuals plus can’t manage to live without one another.

In my experience, this hasn’t been the case. In all of my long-term relationships, neither woman has been completed by the other… Rather, living together is a slow plus pleasedious battle to slowly change each lady. This is most blatant when you inspect my new relationship plus our ongoing wars over the control unit. My hubby plus I have been together for over 10 years now. In that amount of time, my fantastic friend and I have never figured out how to compromise over the indoor air temperature control. Neither one of us has been able to budge a single degree in our personal air temperature preference. In fact, my fantastic friend and I have gotten into such big fights over the energy bill plus control component settings that I have spent weeks living with my mother before, but our inability to reach a compromise over the heating plus cooling system eventually brought us to a cutting point. My buddy and I could either find a new Heating, Ventilation plus A/C solution, or my fantastic friend and I needed to cut up plus find a more fulfilling relationship. Luckily, that has when our Heating, Ventilation plus A/C serviceman steppedin with zone controlled heating plus cooling. She told us that rather than abusing our central Heating, Ventilation plus A/C system or each other, my fantastic friend and I should install distinct zones which were independently controlled by separate control units. That way, no one has to compromise. My buddy and I can have the most comfortable indoor air hot plus cold temperatures in every room, without seeking divorce counseling. This girl has improved our relationship more than our couples therapist.


HEPA filter